This is by no means a comprehensive list of Route 66 attractions. Rather it is a list of what I have seen previously or plan to see on my next trip along The Mother Road.

State by State:


  1. Route 66 starting point  (Chicago)
  2. The Launching Pad and the Gemini Giant (Willmington)
  3. Two-cell Jail (Gardner)
  4. Ambler’s Texaco Gas Station (Dwight)
  5. Standard Oil Gasoline Station (Odell)
  6. Old Log Cabin Inn (Pontiac)
  7. Murals in Pontiac (Pontiac)
  8. Pontiac Oakland Museum (Pontiac)
  9. Paul Bunyon Statue (Alanta)
  10. World’s Largest Covered Wagon in Lincoln.
  11. Lauterbatch Muffler Man (Springfield)
  12. Shea’s Gas Station (Springfield)
  13. President Lincoln’s House (Springfield)
  14. Cozy Dog (Springfield)
  15. Sugar Creek Covered Bridge (Glenarm)
  16. Auburn Brick Road (Auburn)
  17. Soulsby’s Shell Service Station (Mt. Olive)
  18. Historic Largest Catsup Bottle in the World (Collinsville)
  19. Old Chain of Rocks Bridge (Madison)


  1. St. Louis Arch (St Louis)
  2. Ted Drewes Custard (St Louis)
  3. Circle Inn Malt Shop (Bourbon)
  4. Meramec Caverns (Stanton)
  5. Route 66 Mural City (Cuba)
  6. Wagon Wheel Motel (Cuba)
  7. The World’s (second) Largest Rocking Chair (Fanning)
  8. Devils Elbow Bridge (Devils Elbow)
  9. Munger Moss Motel (Lebanon).
  10. 66 drive-in Theater (Carthage)
  11. Route 66 Car Museum (Springfield)
  12. Gay Parita Sinclair Station Route 66 Memorabilia (Everton)


  1. Cars on the Route (Galena)


  1. Ghost Town (Pilcher)
  2. Allen’s Conoco Fillin’ Station (Commerce)
  3. Route 66 Vintage Iron Motorcycle Museum (Miami)
  4. Afton Station (Afton)
  5. J.M. Davis Arms & Historical Museum (Claremore)
  6. Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum (Sapulpa)
  7. Rock Creek Bridge (Sapulpa)
  8. Rock Café (Stroud)
  9. Round Barn (Arcadia)
  10. Pop’s Soda Ranch (Acadia)
  11. Chandler Phillips 66 Station (Chandler)
  12. Seaba Filling Station (Chandler)
  13. Lucille’s Gas Station (Hydro)
  14. Lucille’s Roadhouse Diner (Weatherford)
  15. Stafford Air & Space Museum (Weatherford)
  16. Route 66 Museum (Clinton)
  17. National Route 66 Museum & Old Towns Museums (Elk City)


  1. One -Cell Jailhouse (Texola)
  2. Devil’s Rope Museum (McLean)
  3. Phillips 66 Station (McLean)
  4. Alanreed Abandoned Gas Station (Alanreed)
  5. Leaning Tower of Texas (Groom)
  6. Big Cross (Groom)
  7. VW Slug Bug Ranch (Panhandle)
  8. Coyote Bluff Café (Amarillo)
  9. Big Texan Steak House (Amarillo)
  10. Cadillac Ranch (Amarillo)
  11. Restored Magnolia Gas Station (Vega)
  12. MidPoint Café (Adrian)
  13. Glenrico Ghost Town (Glenrico)

New Mexico

  1. Blue Swallow Motel (Tucumcari)
  2. New Mexico Route 66 Museum (Tucumcari)
  3. Route 66 Auto Museum (Santa Rosa)
  4. Continental Divide
  5. Ruins of the Whiting Bros. Gas Station (San Fidel)


  1. Petrified Forest National Park (Holbrook)
  2. Historic Wigwam Motel (Holbrook)
  3. The Jack Rabbit Trading Post (Joseph City)
  4. Standin’ on a Corner (Winslow)
  5. Meteor Crater
  6. Grand Canyon National Park (Williams & Flagstaff)
  7. Lumberjack Giant (Flagstaff)
  8. Ash Fork Route 66 Museum (Ash Fork)
  9. Town of Seligman (Seligman)
  10. Hackberry Store (Hackberry)
  11. Mr D’z Diner (Kingman)
  12. Town of Oatman (Oatman)


  1. Roy’s Cafe and Motel (Amboy)
  2. Bagdad Cafe (Newberry Springs)
  3. Calico Ghost Town (Calico)
  4. Barstow Route 66 Mother Road Museum (Barstow)
  5. Elmer’s Bottle Tree Ranch (Helendale)
  6. California Route 66 Museum (Victorville)
  7. Cucamonga Richfield Service Station (Cucamonga)
  8. Santa Monica Pier (Santa Monica)

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