“Take me out to the ball game” as the old song goes, we thought we’d check out a major league baseball game while we were in the U.S.A.
Route 66 – (2018 Trip) – Day 18 – Rialto, CA. to Santa Monica, CA.
Today was a short ride and our destination was Santa Monica and the Pacific Ocean. I knew it would be a slow trip even though we only had to cover 149km’s (92 miles). This short distance took us just over 4 hours to traverse thanks to LA traffic density. This section of Route 66 is …
Route 66 – (2018 Trip) – Day 17 – Needles, CA. to Rialto, CA.
Today seen us travel 489km’s ( 303.85 miles), our destination for the day was Needles, California. Well Needles is certainly a warm place to stay. It was still 46C at 17:45. Needless to say we stayed in the air conditioning as much as possible after a swim to cool down. With the morning dawning we …
Route 66 – (2018 Trip) – Day 14 – Williams, AZ. to Las Vegas, NV.
Breakfast in Williams, AZ. offers limited choices when you get up early. Well maybe early for the town at least it was late for us. We foolishly tried a coffee after the coffee shop staff said they knew how to make a flat white. They clearly didn’t know how to do it. Or at least …
Route 66 – (2018 Trip) – Day 13 – Bluff, UT. to Williams, AZ.
With our journey to Monument Valley done it was time to turn around and head back towards Route 66. Riding back through Monument Valley with the sun behind us was a truly majestic experience. You can certainly see why it’s one of the most photographed places on the planet. If I was to venture this …
Route 66 – (2018 Trip) – Day 11 – Albuquerque, NM. to Flagstaff, AZ.
Today is a ride day with little of worth to see aside from the Continental Divide and some stunning countryside. Our destination for today was Flagstaff, Arizona. Today is also our longest ride day with 547 km (339 miles) to be covered. We chose to do a longer run due to the lack of things to …
Route 66 – (2018 Trip) – Day 1 – Brisbane QLD. to Chicago IL.
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Overnighter to Clermont (2018)
As were doing the ABC’s of Touring via the HOG (Harley Owners Group) we decided on an overnighter to Clermont in central Queensland. Clermont is a great country town to visit and it’s well worth booking into a motel to stay the night. We stayed at Smart Stayzzz Inns Clermont it’s as far as I know the …
Route 66 – (2018 Trip) – Planning the journey.
There’s something about the USA and Route 66 that I just love. If I could I’d visit it more than I have been able to to date. Route 66 is in my opinion one of the ‘must do’ drives for any motoring enthusiast. Be it in a car or on a bike it is a …
Route 66 – (2018) – Things to see and do.
This is by no means a comprehensive list of Route 66 attractions. Rather it is a list of what I have seen previously or plan to see on my next trip along The Mother Road. State by State: Illinois Route 66 starting point (Chicago) The Launching Pad and the Gemini Giant (Willmington) Two-cell Jail (Gardner) Ambler’s Texaco Gas Station (Dwight) …