After the storm yesterday we hit the road and found it pretty cool within a short distance. So a quick stop was in order to put on some extra clothes.

The road through this part of New Mexico is poorly signed in regard to Route 66 signage. Not a lot to look at from a Route 66 perspective either. Once again though their was some stunning scenery we were riding through.

Once we came into Arizona the scenery changed again. We visited the Petrified Forest National Park and seen the Painted Desert, well worth a visit.

We called into Winslow Arizona and stopped on the famous corner that “The Eagles” song Take it Easy mentions. This also meant another visit to the local gift shop to grab some more goodies.

The plan was to continue on to the meteor crater, Two Guns and Two Arrows to take some photos and check things out. Another afternoon thunderstorm put paid to that idea. In the end we braved the rain and rode on to Flagstaff where we found motel room prices had a huge markup due to the Labor Day weekend holiday.

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